Friday, January 22, 2010

23 weeks, 5 days (Lots of Pictures!)

I haven't been very good about taking weekly pictures. I was in the beginning. But I realized today that it had been 3 (almost 4) weeks since my last belly pictures. So, regardless of the fact that I hadn't showered, I took some. (That's why there's no face shots. My hair was gross. Also, I showered an hour later, in case you were wondering.) So, here's Baby Hines at 23 weeks and 5 days!

Laying down. You can finally tell there's a baby in there!

Left side. He likes to lay on my left, so that's why I look so much bigger on the left than on the right.

And finally, the right side. I feel like I don't really look pregnant in this picture.

In other exciting news, we got our stoller today! I am very excited about it. I was a little worried that the colors would be as bright as they were online, but it is EXACTLY what I wanted! I love it! (We got a travel system, but we aren't using the carrier as a carseat.)

The carrier.

The stroller seat.

And the whole stroller!

And the newest development in the pregnancy is how strong our little guy is getting! His kicks and punches are getting so strong that I can see my belly jump when he gets going. I will leave you with a video demonstration. Enjoy!

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