I finally made a facebook page! I put an ad on KSL for free photo shoot, and the response has been a little overwhelming. I have three more shoots for sure in the next week, and one possible one. I feel like I'm getting a lot of good experience, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Anyway, if you'd like to show your support, here is the link! (And a few pictures for your viewing pleasure.)
Luxe Photography
Luxe Photography
I have a blog in the works as well, but I'm having a few technical difficulties. Mainly getting the background I designed to go up.
yep. ben sure does teach her. not only that but she is in our ward and is one of my mia maids i'm an advisor over. how random! how do you know her?
ps the colors in your engagment photos are so rich.
I babysat for her and her sisters for four years! That is too crazy. I feel like i definitely need to go visit Page. Plus, our cute boys could play!
Thank you! They were a really fun couple to shoot. They're actually already married, but they hadn't had pictures done.
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