Saturday, December 12, 2009

So I lied...

It's definitely not tomorrow. In fact, it's been about 4 days. I am posting these 18 week pictures, but I might take them down and repost better ones tomorrow, we'll see. I am feeling like these are fatty pictures. And I got a new sweater today that I will wear tomorrow that is much cuter than the shirt I'm wearing. I felt the baby for the first time on the outside today! He was moving like crazy, and I was feeling a lot of pokes so I put my hand on my belly. A few seconds later, I felt a little kick! It was cool. But of course he stopped with the hard kicks as soon as Tyler put his hand there. =( Anyways, here are belly pictures!

1 comment:

April JoAnne said...

Tommy did the same thing. Jack didn't feel a good kick until I was like 6 months.